Building a cool NFT marketplace with Patrick’s excellent course — Findings that will increase the time to completion (but also take out some of the heureka so use with caution)

Keld Stehr Nielsen
4 min readAug 31, 2022


Patrick Collins’ FreeCodeCamp’s course “Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript — 32-Hour Course” is to my knowledge the best course on web3 full stack development right now. A non-exhaustive list of tools and frameworks you will be exposed to includes Remix, Ethers, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, TheGraph, Moralis, React, NextJs, ChainLink, Solidity, JavaScript, IPFS, Filecoin, ERC-20, ERC-721. It is intense: He is progressing fast through a lot of material and it will take much more than 32 hours to complete. This is not a warning — just an expectation setting.

It was released in May 2022 so the material is really fresh at the time I am writing this. Furthermore, the mutual support and willingness to help in the discussion is exemplary — also kudos to Cryptokid from Moralis who is really helpful. Nonetheless software development never sleeps and having just come out on the other side of the course, I thought I would write down some findings that perhaps could reduce the time needed by future course participants for troubleshooting. This article is essentially just a list of findings — solutions that worked in August 2022 — from the troubleshooting I had to do when the video and current reality deviated. The list is also intended for my personal future use since I don’t want to troubleshoot again and it is highly likely that I will go over some of the material in the course again.

I hope others taking the course might also be able to save some time using it. It should not get in the way of developing a troubleshooting method and doing your own research. It will also not be able to help everyone, since it will only cover chapters 14 and 15 — we are talking almost 8 hours of video so this is still quite a bit. Btw I am WSL user and I didn’t come across any issues related to that.

Let me know if there are other things to add to the list. The #numbers refer to the discussion forum for the course. Credit goes to everyone participating in the discussions.

  • Some packages throw errors
    use the LTS version of node — don’t use the most recent release:
    ‘nvm –use LTS’. Install nvm (Node Version Manager) if needed
  • Package that is needed but not mentioned
    install the magic-sdk package: ‘yarn add magic-sdk
  • Lesson 14: the dynamicSVG test kept failing
    Ensure the lowSVGImageUri is the same everywhere. In the versions in the repo there is a tiny difference between the base64 frown in ‘lowSVGImageUri’ and the image embedded in ‘lowTokenUri’. It causes the test to fail.
  • Lesson 15 Moralis: Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not callable (#1812)
    Front end issue: This answer works #1786 (comment). Interestingly enough it is not the answer selected in #1786. It both solves the “Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’”-issue and the “useMoralisQuery”-issue.
    In a nutshell:
    - Delete your node_modules folder and yarn.lock
    - Copy the list of dependencies in the comment into you package.json
    - run ‘npm install’ — NOT ‘yarn’ (this is crucial)
  • Moralis: tokenURI is undefined (#1329)
    Moralis front end: the solutions listed in #908 and here #685 both need to be in place for the page to load. The issue in #908 is introduced in lesson 14 when writing the basicNFT contract
  • Moralis database is not updating with the event details (#2187)
    I think it spent an entire day trying to solve it. This time the issue was actually on Moralis’ side — Cryptokid solved it fast when first alerted. Perhaps you should get in contact with Moralis support sooner than I did. Check the database logs if there is a signal from your chain
  • Lesson 15 theGraph — The frontend throws an error
    The react-moralis package (1.4.0) that works for the Moralis solution (see #1812) doesn’t work for theGraph. ‘yarn add react-moralis@ ^1.3.5’ solves the issue
  • theGraph CLI: Command ‘graph’ not found (#1453)
    #1453 refers to a stackOverflow article that shows how to add ‘graph’ to PATH. this solves the issue
  • TheGraph — not showing nfts (TokenURI undefined)
    This is literally the final step and I was stuck for hours: the ‘seller’ entry in ‘subgraphQueries.js’ had the wrong number of zeros! Needs to have the same number as the objects shown in the subgraph studio.
  • Issues with Rinkeby
    At the time of writing Rinkeby is being phased out and it is unstable. Use Goerli instead. It is supported by theGraph.

